Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blog (Slight Return)

What has this… thing been doing for the past 4 years? Rotting in the cyber-fridge of blogspot and the dark un-swept corners of my mental to-do list. Hot damn! These stories are ancient!
I wrote a piece about a Christmas past? That's nearly 6 years old or more than a quarter of my life (if I keep writing this blog until I'm 88 it will be considered a quarter of my life starting today). No matter, Flippity is dead. My what a relevant picture posted, sitting in the common room of Yosemite Tower 1, floor 2, conveys thoughts of the holiday festivities does it not?
What else is there… ah a reference to Guns n' Roses, how contextually appropriate. I'm quite certain that I never considered SLO my home, much less the dormitories. My I do well in kidding myself. Hah, look at how damn clever I was! Making poignant socio-political commentary even at the tender young age of 18. It must have been around the time when Dick shot up his hunting buddy, what a good little bind sheep liberal I managed to convey. Precious. (Did Spect ever have that thing? Survey says: no)
To this day I am still confused as to what infected my body that day in February '06. But can somebody say quesĂ­simo! How corny, beefy, cheesy could I have been? A poem to boot, how cute. Fuckin' freshman.
What do we have next… the lack of fat kids in London? What it must have felt like to drop a ton of bricks onto British society. I wasn't even remotely close to being correct! Was this a sorry excuse of some sort of critical travel journalism? I was there for a total of 2 days living in a hotel (a HOTEL!!!), shuffling around town to tourist attractions with 5 other Unitedstatesians! My did I have a lot to learn about travel, my do I still. Check out this article http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2010/nov/20/schools-sports-funding-cuts-gove Those kids are getting fat after all! Hell if they're anything like me, enjoying a pint of St. Peter's Cream Stout at the moment, they'll have some gout on the way as well. Brilliant.
Now… aha! The cherry on top of the Sundae! An article about HALO? Was this really a mere 3 ¾ years in the past? I only played that game a few times in my second year and can honestly say that at the moment I'm completely estranged from the video game world. I don't write this with any mockery or elite sentiment, just the opposite. I'm looking back upon that post as a time that will, most likely, never return. Those guys in the picture are still some of my best friends, and unless they kill a family member (although there may be exceptions) they will still be for life. I agree whole-heartedly with the statement I made back then "It is to our generation what golf is to businessmen", or it should say "was to businessmen" because I can guarantee that multi-million/billion/trillion dollar mergers will now be held over a match of team slayer.
Damn I've forgotten how much fun it was to write a post and have not a single soul give a damn about what you've written!

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